The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Kamala deserves an OSCAR after this performance with Oprah Winfrey

Kamala Harris recently sat down with Oprah Winfrey for a 'Unite For America' event, and Kamala attempted to appeal to gun owners when she told Oprah that she was a gun owner and stated that 'If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot.' Glenn and Stu actually praise Kamala because that acting job was phenomenal. The guys also discuss Kamala's promises to fix the economic problems plaguing America, even though the problems are due to her and her elderly president's actions.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Can we may Kamala Harris, please?

Cut one.

This is -- wow.

VOICE: I'm a gun owner too.

VOICE: I did not know that.

VOICE: And I thought my house was getting shot.

VOICE: Yes. Yes. I hear that.Ism that.

VOICE: Probably should not have said that, but we'll deal with that later.

GLENN: All right. Just laughing it up. It's great. So she's a gun owner.

I would like anyone -- anyone in the press, to ask, what kind of gun do you own?

STU: When did you get it? Where did you get it?

GLENN: Okay.

STU: What gun store did you purchase it from, for example? Where, yeah. When was the last time you went to the range?

You know what I mean?

I would love to know that question. Because she's the exact kind of person, you don't want to own a gun.

She, I can guarantee you, wearing the goggles and the earphones to protect her ears. Out of the firing range.

Oh, I do it once a month. No, you don't. You've never fired the gun.

Reason fired the gun.

This is such a sham! This is such. This is such, all the world is, but a stage. And we're merely, but its players.

I mean, this is a performance.

She deserves an Oscar for this.

And, you know what, the way things are in America, she could win one!

They might at the end of this one, because they don't care anymore. They'll be like, and for best actress, pretending that she was like -- liked America and a gun owner. Kamala Harris.

STU: Yeah! Good job. She can have that award, as long as she accepts it when she doesn't live in the White House.

That is -- I do think it was a relatively smart tactic on this one.

I think it was somewhat of a smart tactic. Because the American people see Oprah as an interview show.

Like they see, when they see that set up. They see an interview. But this is a woman who spoke at her convention.

This is almost a running mate. This is not an interview.

The good thing about having this setup. And I think this is why it's smart.

Is look, Kamala Harris had some bad moments in that interview, absolutely.

But Oprah is a pro, at being able to smooth those over and talk her into it. And lead her in the right directions.

It's like an interview coach on stage with her, as she's doing it.

That's incredible.

GLENN: I know. I know. But she couldn't answer one question. Here it is.

Cut two, please.

VOICE: We would really love to know, what your plan is as to lowering the cost of living.

KAMALA: Yeah. First of all, thank you both for being here. And yours is a story I hear around the country, as I travel.

STU: Say it.

KAMALA: And in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams.

STU: There we go.

GLENN: The rights to have those aspirations --

KAMALA: And ambitions for your family, and working hard and finding that the American dream is, for this generation, and so many recently, far more elusive than it's ever been.

And we need to deal with that. And there are a number of ways. One is bringing down the cost of everyday necessities, including --

GLENN: And that was the question: How are you going to do that? That was the question: How are you going to bring down the costs?

So you've got lots of ideas. Lots of ideas to fight this.

And what we have to do is bring down the cost of everyday necessities.

STU: Important -- first of all, it's so ridiculous.

This is what she does. She like remembers a few words from the question, and then just works them into her answer. And then fills it with nonsense. Jibber-jabber. Idiocy.

GLENN: No. No. No.

STU: But what I will say, about her proposals here, and her identification of the problems. Bring them down, from what?


Bring them down, from what? From you! From your administration.

You're sitting here running for president. Saying you're going to solve the problems that you yourself and your dopey 900-year-old running mate created.

It's incredible. How could anyone believe this?

GLENN: Do we have the clip?

It was on yesterday's.

Clip from my show on Wednesday. Where I was showing.

This is so amazing, Stu. I showed the inflation rate.

And how it's going down.

STU: Ah. Okay.

GLENN: Do we happen to have that clip by any chance?

STU: It's way down.

I hope you know, it's going way down.

Well, you can tell, when you're buying groceries. Way down.

Watch. All the things they did, three, four years ago.

It's all now picking up speed, and it's all being -- it's all being seen now, by you. But don't worry, it's all fine.

It's just -- it's really, it's all fine.

We're lulled to sleep with reporting like this. The recent Consumer Price Index, quote, inflation cools to 2.5 percent.

Wow, core prices, things like food, housing, energy, cars. Things that we actually buy and need. Were a bit higher at 3.2.

Now, what do you notice about these numbers? 3.5 percent inflation. 3.2 percent inflation. I mean, that seems manageable, right?

It seems almost normal, doesn't it?

We can deal with that. Two and a half percent. 3.2 percent.

Trust in the system, and we'll be all okay.

The government can keep spending. And we can keep swiping the credit cards. Let me take you to the chalkboard for a second.

And show you something the government never wants you to see. And nobody in the mainstream media will ever explain it this way.

Here's the inflation. We've all been hearing for four years now. That there's nothing wrong with the national debt and the deficit. It's fine.

Bidenomics. Bidenomics. The Fed has a plan. Everything is actually okay.

And prices are coming down. Or at least rising at a slower rate.

But is that actually how you feel when you go to the grocery store?

When you pay your energy bill. When you look at your new insurance bill. You fill up the gas tank. Do you feel, oh, it's fine?

Bidenomics is working. Let me show you the reason for the disparity. And also how the government is pulling off their little magic trick.

Let me show you this part of the chalkboard. I will start here. It reflects the Consumer Price Index from 23 to the end of 2024. This is the average cost of goods that we pay to support our families. With things like clothes, cars, gas, energy bills. 3.2 to 2.5. You can see that there's a gradual increase from last year, and then that boom, right at the tail end of 2024.

Like right now, during the election, isn't that weird?

You can see that cooling comes down.

Wow, it doesn't -- it's working.

Bidenomics is working. That's really not that big of a change. I mean, how -- I mean, if this is where we were. How come -- why is it so hard to make ends meet.

Why are our credit cards all maxxed to the limit?

While we're arguing to the numbers. Like 2.5 or 3.2 month to month.

Let me show you the actual chart. See, that was just in one year.

Let me take you all the way back to 1950. This is 1950.

Here's 2020. This is Trump. And this is the inflation, that we had from Biden and Harris.

The government wants you to focus on this, okay?

But let me just show you. This -- this right here, that is this.

STU: It is this little tiny.

GLENN: Teeny sliver. But that is -- you lie down, it's that big.

I mean, that is --

STU: Hmm. Yeah.

GLENN: When you look at the actual chart. Down from, what?

Is the question. Down from what?

STU: Yeah. It's down from all-time highs.

They are responsible for. They're bragging about bringing a slight decrease, from an -- a historic increase, that is their responsibility.

And they're saying, elect us, because we'll do slightly better than the worst of all time.

Which was also us.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

You know, don't worry, because she'll allow you to have a gun in her house.

Well, it won't be her.

It will be Secret Service. But you can have a gun.

And I want to know, how -- how many rounds in your clip, you know.

STU: Right.

GLENN: How many rounds do you have?

Do you have a six shooter. A seven? A ten. A 12. A 20?

What do you have, in that clip? Because that's exactly how she would refer to it.

Well, I've -- I can hold seven rounds. But I only put one.

How many bullets do you need, really?

You know, at times, I will put two or thee in. Because I might be nervous and miss the first couple.

You know, I haven't been to the range for a while. Hope I don't hit anybody else.

It's incredible. It's incredible. As they are making things more dangerous, in America. As they are making crime easier to commit. As they are making more people into criminals, because they can't afford to live. As they're importing criminals into the country, they want to take away your guns. Oh, okay. All right.

That sounds good. Wait a minute. But you will bolster the police. No. We will reimagine the police. Oh, okay.

You know, something tells me that we're headed in the wrong direction.

But Oprah. She knows. We're absolutely fine. And there's nothing to worry about.

After all, she went to Reverend Wright's church too. She knows the truth.

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